Summary table on meteorological data from antarctic stations

[Data catalogue][Surface Meteorology][Surface Actinometry][Upper-air meteorology]

Present tables are based on monthly CLIMAT reports - ) and are divided into sections of surface and upper-air meteorology and actinometry, from Russian Federation Antarcic stations, both active and closed nowadays from 1956 forward in time. Though it would not happen in the next months, our final goal is to prepare monthly series for the most of parameters and stations listed in the Catalogue of Russian Federation Antarctic Meteorology Data.

Summary tables provide on-line access to series of monthly: mean (like Surface temperature) or sum (like Sunshine duration or Total solar radiation data) meteorological parametes. By clicking on icon, user will open active .asp page which will provide html-tabular, simple ascii-tabular access to both data and basic statistics. Please note that statistics are calculated in on-line mode using current data, i.e. if at some moment we include more, statistics will change slightly and be a one more bit accurate. Statistics are assessed by anno, month and summary and include mean, extremes, rms and quantiles 5%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 95%.

Thorough cross-check QC precedes inclusion of any value into its place in a table. If possible, we are trying to fill existing gaps by tracing back origin of the gap and working with log-books and, if possible, restoring monthly value. Therefore, new data and tables are introduced continously both for active stations for ongoing information forward in time and for active and closed stations as a result of QC, date of last revision is supplied for a definite station in general.

For additional information please contact NADC group -

In the case of any use, you should keep our copyright by providing the following reference: "Information on monthly meteorology were obtained from the Russian Federation NADC, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI),"

© AARI 1956-2008.

Surface Meteorology

StationDate of last revisionT0TgrdTmaxTminHu%PreV0PstPslCtotClow
Total number of climatic files:  87


Surface Actinometry

StationDate of last revisionAlbSdurRtotRrefRdif
Total number of climatic files:  18


Upper-air meteorology

StationDate of last revisionT850T700T600T500T300T200T100T30H850H700H600H500H300
Total number of climatic files:  33


Grand total of climatic files:  138

Parameter definitions:
(1)T0 - Surface air temperature (C); (2)Tgrd - Ground temperature (C);
(3)Tmax - Surface maximum air temperature (C); (4)Tmin - Surface minimum air temperature (C);
(5)Hu% - Relative humidity (%); (6)Pre - Precipitation (mm);
(7)V0 - Surface wind (m/s); (8)Pst - Atmospheric pressure on met site height level (hPa);
(9)Psl - Atmospheric pressure on sea level (hPa); (10)Ctot - Total cloudness (tenths);
(11)Clow - Low cloudness (tenths); (12)Alb - Surface albedo (%);
(13)Sdur - Sunshine duration (hours); (14)Rtot - Total solar radiation data (MJ/m2);
(15)Rref - Reflected radiation data (MJ/m2); (16)Rdif - Diffused radiation data (MJ/m2);
(17)T850 - Air temperature (Ñ) at 850 hPa level (00 GMT); (18)T700 - Air temperature (Ñ) at 700 hPa level (00 GMT);
(19)T600 - Air temperature (Ñ) at 600 hPa level (00 GMT); (20)T500 - Air temperature (Ñ) at 500 hPa level (00 GMT);
(21)T300 - Air temperature (Ñ) at 300 hPa level (00 GMT); (22)T200 - Air temperature (Ñ) at 200 hPa level (00 GMT);
(23)T100 - Air temperature (Ñ) at 100 hPa level (00 GMT); (24)T30 - Air temperature (Ñ) at 30 hPa level (00 GMT);
(25)H850 - 850 hPa geopotential height (m) (00 GMT); (26)H700 - 700 hPa geopotential height (m) (00 GMT);
(27)H600 - 600 hPa geopotential height (m) (00 GMT); (28)H500 - 500 hPa geopotential height (m) (00 GMT);
(29)H300 - 300 hPa geopotential height (m) (00 GMT); 
